This electronic lock can be used with any type of iButtons you may already have, since the only thing needed is the internal serial number, that's different for every iButton. The command used to read the serial number is the same for all iButtons. The iButton family code that goes with every iButton, can be anything and is calculated as part of the whole serial number. We must also notice that DS1990A series iButtons are the cheapest.
This electronic lock designed to work stand-alone and it's easy to construct. What the user sees (outside of the door for example) is a iButton socket and a led. From inside the door, we can open it using a simple push button. For the actual lock of the door a solenoid and a bold are used. Solenoid must be rated at 12Vdc. iButtons serial numbers stored in memory can be removed and updated when needed. One master key is used to manage the rest of them. Totally a number of 9 different keys can be stored in memory.
Schematic diagram is shown at figure 1. The circuit is build around an Atmel AT89C2051(U1) microcontroller. The port 1 (P1) of mcu is used to connect a 7-segment common anode led display. This led display will be used on the programming of additional keys. For the same reason a push-button labelled SB1 is connected on P.3.7. Storage of iButtons serial numbers is done on a 24C02 EEPROM (U3). It is connected on P3.4 (SDA) and P3.5 (SCL) of U1. The external iButton socked is connected on port P3.3 via XP2 pin array. The rest of components VD4, R3, VD5 and VD6 are used for protection of mcu ports. One pull-up resistor R4 is used as required from 1-wire protocol. An additional iButton socket is connected parallel with the predefined at pins XS1. This one is used for programming the keys. The door OPEN button is connected on P3.2 through XP1 connector, using the same protection components as above. The solenoid that does the lock is connected on XT1 connector. Solenoid is controlled from a power MOSFET IRF540 (VT3). Diode VD7 is added to protect MOSFET from voltage strikes due to solenoid inductance. Transistor VT3 is controlled from VT2, which reverses the logic state that's appears on P3.0, so on VT3 we have output 0V and 12V. This additional transistor is useful as it translates the mcu logic levels to 0V and 12V, capable to drive the solenoid.
((( Acquainted With Islam )))
O Jesus, son of Mary! Is thy Lord able to send down for us a table spread with food from heaven?